Dean’s Message

Incepted in 2015, the Faculty of Computing of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University has come a long way in a time span of less than a decade, and its progressive steps are admirable. At present, the Faculty of Computing offers a total of six (06) undergraduate degrees in specialized areas of Information Technology, Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering and Data Science Business Analytics, which covers a wide spectrum of Computing as one of the most pragmatic sectors in the world. The faculty of Computing offers degrees for students of all streams in the GCE Advanced Level Examination (except Technology Stream). The Faculty aims to be the main umbrella of undergraduate education in Sri Lanka in pragmatic aspects of computing disciplines, and that objective is well reflected through our undergraduate degree programmes. Further, the degree programmes are benchmarked with the Association of Computing Machinery/Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ACM/IEEE) and have aligned with the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF). With a student population of around 1000, the Faculty aspire to provide professionals to the IT/Computing field who would excel in advanced and updated knowledge and contribute to the rapid sectoral growth and ultimately the society at large. Notably, the academia, with diverse and well-versed knowledge and practice in areas of Computing, facilitates proactively to achieve the goals of the Faculty as one team.
Predicting the future of computing is challenging given the constant evolution of technology. Key drivers of this vision include Green Computing, which prioritizes sustainable solutions while optimizing energy efficiency and reducing environmental impact, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), which focuses on simulating human behavior through machines. The Faculty of Computing is dedicated to fostering this future by delivering IT education aligned with domestic and international quality standards, focusing on designing degree programs that anticipate future needs. As we progress in Research and Development, our aim is to position the Faculty as a central hub for IT education and research.
Dr Pradeep Kalansooriya
Dean – Faculty of Computing
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University