Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The Faculty of Computing Quality Assurance Cell of the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University is committed to ensure and enhance the quality of the undergraduate academic programmes of the Faculty of Computing. IQAC works with faculty standing/ subcommittees such as Curriculum Development and Review Committee, EICU, Faculty Research Committee and the Departments with regard to all quality assurance related activities.

Senate Standing Committee members

Vice Chancellor (Chair)
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Defence and Administration)
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
Director, CQA
Former Director IQAU, Prof Narada Warnasuriya
Rector, Southern Campus
Deans of all Faculties
IQAC Coordinators of Faculties and Southern Campus as recommended by the Faculty Board and Board of Management
Registrar (or nominee)
Bursar (or nominee)
Librarian (or nominee)
Director, Staff Development Centre
SAR of the Academic division of the University (Convenor)

Composition of IQAC

Dean – Faculty of Computing

  • Dr. LP Kalansooriya

QA Cell Coordinator

  • Dr. (Mrs) DU Vidanagama

Heads of the Departments

  • Dr. WMKS Ilmini – Computer Science
  • Dr. B Hettige – Computer Engineering
  • Mr. WAAM Wanniarachchi – Information Technology
  • Dr. (Mrs) DU Vidanagama – Computational Mathematics

Programme Coordinators

  • Dr. (Mrs) W Gunathilake – Computer Science

Domain Coordinators

  • Dr. (Mrs) N Wedasinghe – Chair, Curriculum Development and Review Committee
  • Dr. BVKI Vidanage – Coordinator, Faculty Research Cell/ Head of eICU

Any other relevant person/s – Subject Expertise

  • Dr. ADAI Gunasekara – Computer Science
  • Dr. RMM Pradeep – Information Technology
  • Mrs. SCM De Silva Sirisuriya – Computer Science
  • Mr. RPS Kathriarachchi – Information Technology
  • Ms. RGUI Meththananda – Computational Mathematics
  • Mr. P Dias – Computational Mathematics


  • Mrs. MAST Goonathilake

*Any other relevant person/s shall be invited to attend a specific committee meeting as requested. 

Responsibilities and Duties of IQAC 

  • Coordinate with the Internal Quality Assurance Unit of KDU, in facilitating activities related to quality assurance of Faculty of Computing.
  • Promote quality enhancement activities within the Faculty cooperating with all departments and committees.
  • Develop standard operating procedures for the academic and other activities of the Faculty for the approval of the Faculty Board.
  • Develop and improve the forms and other documents required for Faculty Quality Assurance such as peer review forms, student feedback forms and employee feedback forms.
  • Device and suggest additional QA measured or changes to the existing measures based on the data collected on various QA indicators such as peer feedback, student evaluation reports and external reviews.
  • Monitor the collation and analysis of Faculty QA data.
  • Monitor the implementation of follow-up actions recommended in Faculty/Programme/Subject review reports.
  • Organize workshops and seminars on quality related themes and facilitate internalization of the quality culture.
  • Report the activities of the FQAC to the Faculty Board and IQAU regularly
  • Represent the Faculty at the IQAU and report the progress of FQAC

Centre for Quality Assurance – Click Here 

Terms of Reference – Download